Jewellery Care

Tarnish: Keeping silver jewellery wrapped in acid free tissue paper and/or a zip lock bag, will keep it free from tarnish for longer. If it has lightly tarnished, it can be cleaned with a silver cloth. In the event of a deeper tarnish, I like to use Hagerty Silver Foam cleaner.

Patinas begin to fade as soon as the jewellery is worn.

How quickly the colour changes depends on the type of jewellery it is and how, and how often it is worn, but the process will start from day 1. Bracelets and rings get a lot of wear whereas earrings much less so.

The acidic nature of human perspiration and other chemicals on the skin, such as soaps, lotions and makeup, may react with silver and copper. This reaction could cause a green surface coating to form and that colour may be transferred onto the skin.

Necklaces: Some designs contain a magnetic clasp. Never place magnets directly on items containing a hard drive. Direct contact may desensitise cards with a magnetic strip. Pacemakers may be disrupted by magnets.

Earring hooks on dangly earrings: Never bend ear wires, as after repeated stress on the metal, it will snap. Instead, gently tease the hook sideways to slip the earlobe in.

Please use the contact form for queries regarding jewellery care.